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How Many Teeth Can Be Removed At Once
Posted on 5/8/2023 by Evan
All dentists work to see that you keep your natural, permanent teeth for as long as possible. Despite this, tooth extraction is often called for when a tooth cannot be treated or restored. Teeth extractions are a popular dental procedure and today, they are safe and painless, thanks to the use of sedation dentistry.
You can have your teeth extracted due to advanced periodontal disease, a broken tooth, severe tooth decay, or removing a badly positioned tooth. When a dentist has to remove your teeth as a result of severe decay or periodontal disease, then multiple extractions are the only option.
No Limit on Single-Visit, Multiple Extractions
There isn't a restriction on the number of teeth that a dentist can extra at once. However, proper evaluation has to be done before performing multiple extractions in one visit. After all, sedation dentistry has made lengthy procedures possible. However, other things come into play, for instance, the patient's general health.
When Can You Extract Several Teeth?
While it is possible to remove more than one tooth in a single dental visit, it's not often recommended. If your extraction process is complex or you have compromised health, it is recommended to remove more than one tooth, but this is done in the course of several dental visits.
You will also be advised to extract teeth from one quadrant of your mouth at a time so that you are able to eat with the rest of the teeth as the extracted area heals. If the dentist finds that you might have complications from multiple extractions done at once, then you can have the appointments spread out over several weeks or months.
Visit our clinic today and talk to our dentist about how to prepare for multiple tooth extraction and other dental services.
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